Examining the current knowledge, attitude, and perceptions toward the public (government) dental services within NSW, Australia


  • Associate Prof Albert Yaacoub
  • Prof Ajesh George
  • Tanya Mahony
  • Tiffany Patterson Norrie


NBMLHD: Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District 

Project Overview

Regular attendance at dental services is key for preventative care. In Australia, public dental services often have a wide range of service offerings including free dental checkups or benefits for eligible patients. Although these initiatives attempt to increase access and utilisation, at times, they have created challenges to accessing dental services through lengthy wait lists or limited access to emergency dental services. In New South Wales (NSW) there has been limited research into the perceptions of dentists or the general public regarding public dental services. Hence, this project aims to understand the opinions and perceptions of the general public and dental health professionals of public dental services in NSW and provide strategies to improve consumer and dental perceptions based on the findings. This project will undertake a cross sectional survey design using a concurrent two-phase method targeting the general public (phase 1) and dental health professionals (phase 2) in New South Wales.

Aims & Objectives

The broad aim of this study is to evaluate the current perceptions of the public government dental services within NSW, Australia. More specifically, the objectives of the study are:

  • To review the current perceptions of the wider community towards public dental services within NSW, Australia.
  • To review the current perceptions of dental practitioners towards public dental services within NSW, Australia.
  • To explore strategies that can be undertaken within the public (government) dental services to improve current perceptions of the general public and dental practitioners any misconceptions.

Be Part of Our Study 

General public

Please read the participant information sheet for further information prior to participating in the study

To complete the survey, please click the link here. 


Dental practitioners

Please read the participant information sheet for further information prior to participating in the study

To complete the survey, please click the link here. 

Accessing Counselling services

Counselling Services

To view counseling support services, please click here.


Research Output

To see the various outputs from the program, please navigate to the pages below:

Publications Presentations Awards Training resources Oral health promotion resources

Alignment with ACIOH’s themes


Workforce reoriented:

Dental Health Professionals

This project aims to improve the capacity of dental health professionals in providing accessible oral health services.


People-centred strategies:

General Population

This project aims to understand and improve oral health accessibility within the general population.