Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) has identified the need for the Smile Squad school dental program to use a standardised methodology in the detection and diagnosis of caries to minimise unwarranted variation across clinicians and ensure optimal oral health outcomes. The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) was identified as the preferred methodology for the school dental program due to its international application and recognition as a highly effective classification system. This program aims to deliver ICDAS training and undertake calibration analysis to ensure all clinicians are competent in ICDAS scoring and in documenting dental caries accurately, consistently and in a standardised way. This program is a collaboration between DHSV and Western Sydney University.
Many oral health problems associated with ageing are easily prevented by good oral hygiene practices and timely access to dental care. In response to this, the federal government rolled out the Better Oral Health in Residential Aged Care program to train nursing staff to provide oral care to aged care residents. This project aimed to evaluate the national program among facilities.
You have received a link to this page as you should have completed the ICCMS core training and we now require you to complete the online ICDAS calibration form to gauge your current understanding.
The link to the training can be found on the DHSV extranet: https://extranet.dhsv.org.au/smilesquad/smile-squad-learning-and-development
If you haven’t, or aren’t sure if you have, completed the ICCMS core training, please contact art@dhsv.org.au for further information and instructions.
You will be required to complete this form multiple times so we can determine your consistency both with other users as well as consistency with your own past attempt(s). Your link to complete the form was sent in the email containing this link.
If you have any further questions, please contact art@dhsv.org.au