Developing a dietitian initiated program for oral health and eating disorders


  • Tiffany Patterson Norrie
  • Ajesh George
  • Lucie Ramjan


  • Mariana Sousa
  • Lindy Sank


SWSLHD: South Western Sydney Local Health District
SLHD: Sydney Local Health District
UTS: University of Technology Sydney
Dietitians Association Australia
ADA NSW: Australian Dental Association NSW Branch


COHS NSW: Centre for Oral Health Strategy NSW
SDH: Sydney Dental Hospital
USYD: University of Sydney
NEDC: National Eating Disorders Collaboration

Project Overview

In Australia, more than a million people are estimated to have an eating disorder (ED), which can impact oral health. This project aims to explore the experiences of dietitians in oral health promotion and prevention and explore the perceptions of individuals with an ED regarding their oral health practices.

Aims & Objectives

In Australia, more than a million people are estimated to have an eating disorder (ED), which can impact oral health. This project aims to explore the experiences of dietitians in oral health promotion and prevention and explore the perceptions of individuals with an ED regarding their oral health practices.

Research Output

To see the various outputs from the MIOH program, please navigate to the pages below:

Publications Presentations Awards Training resources Oral health promotion resources

Alignment with ACIOH’s themes

Workforce reoriented:


This project aims to understand the perspectives of dietitians around oral health

People-centred strategies:


This project aims to understand the oral health perspectives of a population who have experienced an eating disorder.