Our presentations

    The Midwifery Initiated Oral Health Program

  1. George, A (2020- invited speaker) Oral Healthcare during pregnancy: A New role for midwives in Australia. ADA NSW Convention 2020, 14-16th May Newcastle, Sydney.
  2. Kong, A. George, A. (2019- invited speaker) Healthy Smiles for Mothers and Children. Mothers, Children and Health Connections. 6th Nov 2019 Ingham Institute Applied Medical Research, Liverpool
  3. George, A., Schinkewitsch, T. (2019) Building Capacity of Nurses and Midwives to Promote Perinatal Oral Health, 4TH Australian Nursing & Midwifery Conference, 2-3 May 2019 Newcastle, NSW
  4. Tannous., K., George, A., Ahmed, M.O. (2018) Economic Value of Midwifery Oral Health Screening and Provision of Cost Free Dental Service, Australian Health Economics Society Conference. 25-26th Sep, Hobart, Tasmania.
  5. George, A., Ajwani, S. (2018-invited speaker). Midwifery Initiated Oral Health Program (MIOH). SLHD 2018 Education and Training Forum Thursday 31 May, 2018. CEWD Rozelle campus
  6. George, A., (2017- invited speaker). Promoting oral health of pregnant women: Impact of the Midwifery Initiated Oral Health (MIOH) Program. Impact Retreat Western Sydney University. 4 December 2017
  7. George, A. (2016) Promoting oral health during pregnancy: current strategies and future direction. NSW Public Oral Health Conference, A Mountain Top View of Dentistry. 19-20 Sept 2016, Fairmont Resort, Sydney
  8. George, A. (2018- invited speaker) Maternal and Infant Oral Health Care: Current Recommendations & Strategies. SPHERE ELDoh Collaboration forum, Western Sydney University, Campbelltown. 1 July 2018
  9. George, A. (2018- invited speaker). Maternal and infant oral health care: Current recommendations and strategies. The Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research & Enterprise (SPHERE) ELDOH event. Ist June 2018, WSU Campbelltown
  10. George, A., Bhole, S., Farley, J., Ajwani, S., Dahlen, H., Srinivas, R., Blinkhorn, A., Yaacoub, A., Ellis E., Johnson, M. (2016) Midwifery-Dental intervention to improve oral health: A Process Evaluation. FDI Annual World Dental Congress, Pozman, Poland, Sept 7-10 2016.
  11. George, A., Duff, M., Sheehan, A., Burns, E., Dahlen, H., Priddis, H., Schmeid, V., Villairosa., A., (2016). Evaluating the long-term impact of an oral health training module for undergraduate midwifery students in Western Sydney. Health Beyond Research and Teaching showcase 18-19 Oct 2016, Liverpool Catholic Club, Sydney.
  12. George, A., Farley., J., Bhole, S., Ajwani, S., Srinivas, R., Blinkhorn, A., Yaacoub, A., Dahlen, H., Ellis, S., Jognson, M. (2016). A process Evaluation of the Midwifery Initiated Oral Health Dental Service program: Perceptions of Dentists. Beyond Research and Teaching showcase 18-19 Oct 2016, Liverpool Catholic Club, Sydney.
  13. George, A., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H., Bhole, S., Blinkhorn, A., Ajwani, S. & Ellis, S. (2014) Promoting oral health in pregnant women through collaboration: A pilot study. Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research 9th Annual Research & Teaching Showcase, 30th November, 2014, Liverpool Hospital.
  14. George, A., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H., Reath, J., Ajwani, S., Korda, A., Bhole, S., NG Chok, H., Miranda, C. (2014). Perceptions of Dental and Antenatal Care providers in NSW towards Perinatal Oral Health. Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research 9th Annual Research & Teaching Showcase, 30th November, 2014, Liverpool Hospital.
  15. George, A., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H., Reath, J., Ajwani, S., Korda, A., Bhole, S.,. NG Chok, H. (2014) Oral health care during pregnancy- What are NSW health professionals current practices? 2014 Primary Health Care Research Conference, Canberra, 23-25 July 2014.
  16. George, A., Lang, G., Carpenter, L., Ridge, A., Johnson, M., Bhole, S. (2013) Midwives as allies in promoting oral health during pregnancy. 2013 Primary Health Care Research Conference: Allies for Better Primary Health Care, 10-12 July 2013, Sydney.
  17. George, A., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H., Bhole, S., Blinkhorn, A., Ajwani, S. & Ellis, S., (2013) Promoting oral health in pregnant women through collaboration. The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association National Conference, Oct 2-5 2013, Toronto, Canada
  18. George, A., Bhole, S., Johnson, M., Blinkhorn, A., Dahlen, H., Ellis, S.,Zheng, C., Ajwani, S., (2013) Improving Maternal Oral Health in Australia through Midwifery and Dental Collaboration. 2013 World Congress on Preventive Dentistry Conference, Budapest, Hungary 9-12 Oct 2013.
  19. Lang G, Ridge A., George A, Johnson M, Bhole S, Suttle, S. (2013) Midwives opening the door to better oral health for mother and baby. Colgate National Oral Health Promotion Conference, 14-15th March 2013, Sydney
  20. M Johnson, S Ajwani, S Bhole, A Blinkhorn, H Dahlen, S Ellis, George, A. (2013) Promoting Oral Health In Pregnant Women Through Midwifery Practice: An Innovative Approach. 2013 Australian and Midwifery Conference, 17-18 Oct 2013, Newcastle, NSW
  21. Lang G, Ridge A., George A, Johnson M, Bhole S, Suttle, S. (2012) Healthy Families Healthy Smiles - Introducing the Victorian Pilot of Midwifery initiated Oral Health education Program - Maternal & Neonatal Clinical Health Network Conference 22nd October 2012, Melbourne.
  22. George, A., Duff, M., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H., Ajwani, S., Bhole, S., Blinkhorn, A., & Ellis, S. (2012) Pilot testing of a dental education program and knowledge test for midwives. Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research 7thAnnual Research & Teaching Showcase, 30th November, 2012, Liverpool Hospital.
  23. Bhole, S., George, A., Ajwani, S., Johnson, M., Duff, M., Dahlen, H., Blinkhorn, A., Ellis, S., Yeo, AET. (2011) Dental health education for prenatal care providers: An Australian Initiative. FDI Annual World Dental Congress, Mexico City, 14-17th Sept 2011
  24. Duff, M., George, A., Ajwani, S., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H. and Ellis, S. (2011) Developing an Online Oral Health Education Resource. The International Confederation of Midwives Conference, 19-23 June 2011, Durban, South Africa.
  25. George, A., Johnson, M., Ajwani, S., Blinkhorn, A., Bhole, S., and Ellis, S. (2011) The potential role of midwives in oral health care: An Australian perspective The International Confederation of Midwives Conference , 19-23 June 2011, Durban, South Africa.
  26. Bhole, S., Ajwani, S., George, A., Johnson, M., Blinkhorn, A. & Ellis S. (2010). Oral Health Care Model for Pregnant Women in Southwest Sydney. International Association of Dental Research Conference, 14-17 July 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
  27. George, A. Johnson, M., Duff, M., Ajwani, S., Bhole, S., Blinkhorn, A., Dahlen, H., & Ellis, S. (2010) Developing an oral health education profram for midwives in Australia. Sydney South West Area Health Service Research Showcase Conference, 26th November, 2010, Liverpool Hospital.
  28. George, A., Ajwani, S., Bhole, S., Johnson, M., Blinkhorn, A., and Ellis, S. (2010). Promoting Perinatal Oral Health in South-western Sydney: A Collaborative Approach International Association of Dental Research Australia and New Zealand Division Golden Jubilee Conference, 27-29 September 2010, Kiama, Australia.
  29. George, A., Johnson, M., Ajwani, S., Bhole, S., Blinkhorn, A., & Ellis S. (2010). Promoting Oral Health during Pregnancy: A New Role for Midwives. 3rd Biennial Conference, Breathing New Life into Maternity Care conference, 1st - 3rd July 2010, Alice Springs.
  30. George, A., Johnson, M., Ajwani, S., Bhole, S., Blinkhorn, A., Dahlen, H. & Ellis S. (2009). The potential role of midwives in promoting oral health during pregnancy. Sydney South West Area Health Service Research Showcase Conference 2009, Liverpool Hospital, 27th Nov 2009.

  31. Implementing and evaluating an oral health module for the WSU bachelor of midwifery program

  32. George, A., Villarosa., A., Duff, M, Sheehan, A., Burns, E., Priddis, H; Dahlen, H. (2019) Training undergraduate midwifery students to promote oral health in Australia. International Association for Dental Research Asia-Pacific Region 2019, 28-30 November, Brisbane, Australia
  33. George, A., Duff, M., Dahlen, H., Burns, E., Priddis, H., Schmeid, V., Sheehan, A., Patterson, T. (2015). Training midwifery undergraduate students in oral health: An innovative approach. Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research 10th Annual Research & Teaching Showcase, 27th November, 2015, Liverpool Hospital.

  34. Developing perinatal oral health guidelines for dentists and prenatal care providers in Australia

  35. George, A., Dahlen, H., Reath, J., Ajwani, S., Bhole, S., Sousa, M.S., Johnson, M. (2017) Quality perinatal oral health care at risk: the need for comprehensive perinatal oral health practice guidelines in Australia. 2017 Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase, Sydney, Australia, June 6-7 2017.
  36. George, A. (2016). Promoting perinatal oral health- current evidence and implications for practice, Pregnancy and Childbirth: Discussing current academic research and clinical expertise conference. 13-15th Sept, 2016, Online Conference (invited Speaker)
  37. George, A., Ajwani, S., Bhole, S., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H., Reath, J., Korda, A., Miranda, C., NGChok, H (2015). Perinatal Oral Health Care: Perceptions and Practices of Dentists in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Population Health Congress 2015, 6-9th Sept 2015, Hobart, Australia.
  38. George A, Johnson M, Dahlen H, Reath J, Ajwani S, Korda A, Bhole S, Miranda C & Ng Chok H (2015) Perinatal oral health: Perceptions of Antenatal Care providers in New South Wales, Australia. RCOG and RANZCOG World Congress 2015, 12-15 April 2015.
  39. George, A., Ajwani, S., Bhole, S., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H., Reath, J., Korda, A. (2015) To Drill or not to Drill-Perceptions of Dentists and Antenatal Care providers in NSW. Sydney Innovation and Research Symposium, 29th May 2015, Australian Technology Park, Sydney.
  40. George, A. (2014) Oral Health Care during Pregnancy: Developing Guidelines for Antenatal care Providers and Dentists in Australia. The 2nd World Dental Online. Conference, August 19-21, 2014. Invited speaker.
  41. George, A., Bhole, S., Johnson, M., Dahlen, H., Ajwani, S., Blinkhorn, A., Yeo, AET. Ellis, S., (2012) Perceptions of dental and health professionals towards perinatal oral health. International Association of Dental Research Conference, 18-23 June 2012, Iguacu Falls, Brazil