Children’s healthy weight guideline implementation in the dental setting
- Villarosa AR, Maneze D, Ramjan LM, Kong A, George A. (2022) Innovative strategies for implementing children’s growth assessments in the dental setting. Preventive Health Conference 2022, 11th-13th May 2022, Brisbane, Australia.
- Villarosa, A.R., Ramjan, L.M., Maneze, D. and George, A. (2021). How do we conduct population health research during COVID-19? Implications and recommendations. Preventive Health Conference 2021 10-12 May, 2021, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).
- Villarosa, AR, Ramjan, L., Maneze, D., Camilleri, M., Srinivas, R., George, A. (2019) Guideline implementation strategies in the dental setting: A systematic review. 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care 2019, 11-13 November, Melbourne, Australia
- Villarosa AR, George D, Ramjan LM, Srinivas R, George A. (2019) The role of dental practitioners in addressing overweight and obesity among children: A scoping review of current interventions and strategies. Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase, 5-6th June, 2018, William Inglis Hotel, Warwick Farm, Australia.
- Villarosa AR, Ramjan LM, Maneze D, Camilleri M, Srinivas R, George A. (2019) Guideline implementation strategies in the dental setting: A systematic review. The Inaugural Joanna Briggs Collaboration Regional Symposium in Evidence Based Healthcare, 28th June 2019, St George Hospital, Kogarah, Australia
- George, A., Villarosa., A. (2018- invited speaker) Expanding the role of dental and non-dental professionals in Australia. Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapist’s Association Professional Development Day & AGM. 3rd Nov 2018. Moby Beachside Retreat, Forster, NSW
- Villarosa AR, George D, Ramjan LM, Srinivas R, George A. (2018) The role of dental practitioners in addressing overweight and obesity among children: A scoping review of current interventions and strategies. Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase, 6-7th June, 2018, William Inglis Hotel, Warwick Farm, Australia
Exploring the experiences of foster/kinship carers in relation to the oral health of children living in out-of-home care
- Acharya, R., Blythe, S., George, A., & Chok, H. N. (2021). Foster carer’s perspectives regarding oral health of children in out-of-home care (OOHC). Australian Public Health Conference, 2021. 23-24 September 2021. Canberra, Australia.
- Acharya, R., Blythe, S., George, A., and Villarosa, A. (2021). The oral health needs of children in out-of-home care: a scoping review. Preventive Health Conference 10-12 May, 2021, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).
Developing and evaluating an early childhood oral health module for the Masters of Family Health at WSU
- Dixon, C., George, A (2016) Promoting Child Oral Health- Pilot of an Online Module for Postgraduate Nursing Students. Health Beyond Research and Teaching showcase 18-19 Oct 2016, Liverpool Catholic Club, Sydney.
- George, A., Veale, M., Ajwani, S., Johnson., M, Nash, L., & Patterson, T. (2014). The early childhood oral health program: Perceptions of child and family health nurses in South Western Sydney. Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research 9th Annual Research & Teaching Showcase, 30th November, 2014, Liverpool Hospital.