Children’s healthy weight guideline implementation in the dental setting

  1. Villarosa AR, Maneze D, Ramjan LM, Kong A, George A. (2022) Innovative strategies for implementing children’s growth assessments in the dental setting. Preventive Health Conference 2022, 11th-13th May 2022, Brisbane, Australia.
  2. Villarosa, A.R., Ramjan, L.M., Maneze, D. and George, A. (2021). How do we conduct population health research during COVID-19? Implications and recommendations. Preventive Health Conference 2021 10-12 May, 2021, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).
  3. Villarosa, AR, Ramjan, L., Maneze, D., Camilleri, M., Srinivas, R., George, A. (2019) Guideline implementation strategies in the dental setting: A systematic review. 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care 2019, 11-13 November, Melbourne, Australia
  4. Villarosa AR, George D, Ramjan LM, Srinivas R, George A. (2019) The role of dental practitioners in addressing overweight and obesity among children: A scoping review of current interventions and strategies. Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase, 5-6th June, 2018, William Inglis Hotel, Warwick Farm, Australia.
  5. Villarosa AR, Ramjan LM, Maneze D, Camilleri M, Srinivas R, George A. (2019) Guideline implementation strategies in the dental setting: A systematic review. The Inaugural Joanna Briggs Collaboration Regional Symposium in Evidence Based Healthcare, 28th June 2019, St George Hospital, Kogarah, Australia
  6. George, A., Villarosa., A. (2018- invited speaker) Expanding the role of dental and non-dental professionals in Australia. Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapist’s Association Professional Development Day & AGM. 3rd Nov 2018. Moby Beachside Retreat, Forster, NSW
  7. Villarosa AR, George D, Ramjan LM, Srinivas R, George A. (2018) The role of dental practitioners in addressing overweight and obesity among children: A scoping review of current interventions and strategies. Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase, 6-7th June, 2018, William Inglis Hotel, Warwick Farm, Australia

  8. Exploring the experiences of foster/kinship carers in relation to the oral health of children living in out-of-home care

  9. Acharya, R., Blythe, S., George, A., & Chok, H. N. (2021). Foster carer’s perspectives regarding oral health of children in out-of-home care (OOHC). Australian Public Health Conference, 2021. 23-24 September 2021. Canberra, Australia.
  10. Acharya, R., Blythe, S., George, A., and Villarosa, A. (2021). The oral health needs of children in out-of-home care: a scoping review. Preventive Health Conference 10-12 May, 2021, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).

  11. Developing and evaluating an early childhood oral health module for the Masters of Family Health at WSU

  12. Dixon, C., George, A (2016) Promoting Child Oral Health- Pilot of an Online Module for Postgraduate Nursing Students. Health Beyond Research and Teaching showcase 18-19 Oct 2016, Liverpool Catholic Club, Sydney.
  13. George, A., Veale, M., Ajwani, S., Johnson., M, Nash, L., & Patterson, T. (2014). The early childhood oral health program: Perceptions of child and family health nurses in South Western Sydney. Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research 9th Annual Research & Teaching Showcase, 30th November, 2014, Liverpool Hospital.