The Midwifery Initiated Oral Health Program


  • Ajesh George
  • Maree Johnson
  • Hannah Dahlen
  • Shilpi Ajwani
  • Sameer Bhole
  • Anthony Blinkhorn


  • Sharon Ellis
  • Ravi Srinivas
  • Albert Yaacoub
  • Kathy Tannous
  • Emma Elcombe
  • Anthony Yeo


SWSLHD: South Western Sydney Local Health District
SLHD: Sydney Local Health District
NBMLHD: Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
SDH: Sydney Dental Hospital
COHS NSW: Centre for Oral Health Strategy NSW
ACM: Australian College of Midwives


DHSV: Dental Health Services Victoria
Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation
CHETRE: Centre for Health Equity, Training, Research and Evaluation
ADA NSW: Australian Dental Association NSW
ACU: Australian Catholic University

Project Overview

There is limited emphasis being placed on perinatal oral health by prenatal care providers in Australia. Pregnant women have no system in place that can offer them regular oral assessment during pregnancy and prompt dental treatment at minimal or no cost as experienced in other countries. To address the oral health needs of pregnant women, the study investigators have developed a unique midwifery initiated oral health (MIOH) model to promote and maintain maternal oral health.

Aims & Objectives

The aim of the MIOH program was to capacity build midwives to promote oral health among pregnant women. Through this model, the program also aimed to improve the oral health knowledge, outcomes and behaviours of pregnant women. This project was conducted over eight phases to review the existing literature, develop the model of care and training program, and evaluate the effectiveness, feasibility, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of the model of care.

Milestones of the MIOH program

Research Output

To see the various outputs from the MIOH program, please navigate to the pages below:

Publications Presentations Awards Training resources Oral health promotion resources

Alignment with ACIOH’s themes

Workforce reoriented:


This project aimed to improve the knowledge and confidence of midwives to promote oral health.

People-centred strategies:


This project aimed to improve the oral health knowledge, behaviours and oral health outcomes of pregnant women.