ACIOH Presents at Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care

The Midwifery Initiated Oral Health project recognised by WHO
Congratulations to our 2023 ACIOH Graduates!

On the 13th to 15th of November, ACIOH conducted a workshop at the Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care (APIC 3). As part of the workshop attendees were provided with a take-home checklist on integrating oral health into primary care. The checklist is available here.


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PhD candidate Namitha Thomas, presenting poster

The APIC 3 conference was also our PhD student, Namitha Thomas's first time presenting a poster. Namitha presented a poster on 'Current guidelines and the role of healthcare providers in the management of oral health for women in perimenopause/menopause.


ACIOH Presents at Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care
Associate Professor Shilpi Ajwani, Kristy Nixon and Professor Ajesh George (left to right).