Integrating oral healthcare in the undergraduate nursing curriculum


  • Jacqueline Rojo
  • Yenna Salamonson
  • Ajesh George


  • Lucie Ramjan
  • Erin Hartnett
  • Leanne Hunt


NYU: New York University (United States) Rory Meyers College of Nursing

Project Overview

People with disabilities experience many challenges that affect their oral health With the growing body of evidence linking oral health to systemic health, preparing nurses to provide evidence-based oral health care is becoming a priority. Although oral health has been integrated into the nursing curriculum in the United States, the extent to which oral health care has been integrated into the undergraduate nursing or other health professional education program in Australia is not known. This project aims to develop and integrate oral health care education into undergraduate nursing and assess its effectiveness in improving the oral health care attitudes among students.

Aims & Objectives

This project aims to develop and integrate oral health care education into undergraduate nursing and assess its effectiveness in improving the oral health care attitudes among students.

Research Output

To see the various outputs from the program, please navigate to the pages below:

Publications Presentations Awards Training resources Oral health promotion resources

Alignment with ACIOH’s themes

Workforce reoriented:


This project aims to develop and evaluate oral health care education among undergraduate nurses

People-centred strategies:


By improving the capacity of oral health promotion among undergraduate nurses, this project has the potential to improve the quality of oral care provided to clients