Children in Out-Of-Home-Care

  1. Fenwicke A, George A, Blythe S, Prabhu N. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Dental Practitioners in Providing Care to Children in Out-of-Home Care: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024; 21(6):802. Q2

Education of Oral Health in the Younger Population  

  1. Molete, Y. Malele-Kolisa, M Thekiso, A Lang, A Kong, A., A. (2024) The role of Community Health Workers in promoting oral health at school settings: A scoping review. Journal of Public Health Dentistry Q2

Reducing dental decay in young children through an antenatal intervention: a longitudinal cohort study of MIOH kids - The MIOH-Kids program

  1. George, A., Kong, AC., Sousa, MS., Villarosa, A., Ajwani, S., Dahlen, H., Bhole, S., Yaacoub, A., Srinivas, R., Johnson, M. (2022-submitted). Long-term effectiveness of the Midwifery Initiated Oral Health-Dental Service Program on maternal oral health knowledge, preventative dental behaviors and the oral health status of children in Australia. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica.
  2. George, A., Sousa, MS., Kong, AC., Blinkhorn, A., Norrie T.P., Foster, J., Dahlen, H., Ajwani, S., Johnson, M. (2019) Effectiveness of preventive dental programs offered to mothers by non-dental professionals to control Early Childhood Dental Caries: A review. BMC Oral Health.19: 172


Children’s healthy weight guideline implementation in the dental setting - the CHEWI project

  1. Villarosa A, Ramjan L, Maneze D, Camilleri M, Srinivas R, George A. Expanding the role of dental practitioners to address childhood overweight and obesity. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2021;20(3):172. DOI:
  2. Villarosa, A., Ramjan, L., Maneze., D., George, A. (2021) Conducting population health research during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts and recommendations International Sustainability, 13(3), 3320
  3. Villarosa, AR., George, D., Ramjan, LM., Srinivas, R., George, A. (2019) Guideline implementation strategies in the dental setting: a systematic review protocol. BMC Implementation Science. 14, 106. doi:10.1186/s13012-019-0954-7
  4. Villarosa, A. R., George, D., Ramjan, L., Srinivas, R., & George, A. (2018). The role of dental practitioners in addressing childhood overweight and obesity: a scoping review of current interventions and strategies. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice. 12(5): 405-415.


Developing and evaluating an early childhood oral health module for the Masters of Family Health at WSU - the ECOH-M project

  1. Veale, M., Ajwani, S., Johnson, M., Nash, L., Patterson, T. and George, A. (2016), ‘The early childhood oral health program : a qualitative study of the perceptions of child and family health nurses in South Western Sydney, Australia’, BMC Oral Health, vol 16 .


Exploring the experiences of foster/kinship carers in relation to the oral health of children living in out of home care - the OOHC project

  1. Acharya, R., George, A., Ng Chok, H., Maneze, D, Blythe, S. (2022-accepted) Exploring the experiences of foster/kinship carers in Australia regarding the oral healthcare of children living in out-of-home care (OOHC). Adoption and Fostering Q2
  1. Acharya, R., Blythe, S., George, A., & Chok, H. N. (2021). Foster carer’s perspectives regarding oral health of children in out-of-home care (OOHC). Australian Public Health Conference, 2021. 23-24 September 2021. Canberra, Australia.
  2. Acharya, R., Blythe, S., George, A., and Villarosa, A. (2021). The oral health needs of children in out-of-home care: a scoping review. Preventive Health Conference 10-12 May, 2021, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).