Children in Out-Of-Home-Care
- Fenwicke A, George A, Blythe S, Prabhu N. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Dental Practitioners in Providing Care to Children in Out-of-Home Care: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024; 21(6):802. Q2
Education of Oral Health in the Younger Population
- Molete, Y. Malele-Kolisa, M Thekiso, A Lang, A Kong, A., A. (2024) The role of Community Health Workers in promoting oral health at school settings: A scoping review. Journal of Public Health Dentistry Q2
Reducing dental decay in young children through an antenatal intervention: a longitudinal cohort study of MIOH kids - The MIOH-Kids program
- George, A., Kong, AC., Sousa, MS., Villarosa, A., Ajwani, S., Dahlen, H., Bhole, S., Yaacoub, A., Srinivas, R., Johnson, M. (2022-submitted). Long-term effectiveness of the Midwifery Initiated Oral Health-Dental Service Program on maternal oral health knowledge, preventative dental behaviors and the oral health status of children in Australia. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica.
- George, A., Sousa, MS., Kong, AC., Blinkhorn, A., Norrie T.P., Foster, J., Dahlen, H., Ajwani, S., Johnson, M. (2019) Effectiveness of preventive dental programs offered to mothers by non-dental professionals to control Early Childhood Dental Caries: A review. BMC Oral Health.19: 172
Children’s healthy weight guideline implementation in the dental setting - the CHEWI project
- Villarosa A, Ramjan L, Maneze D, Camilleri M, Srinivas R, George A. Expanding the role of dental practitioners to address childhood overweight and obesity. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2021;20(3):172. DOI:
- Villarosa, A., Ramjan, L., Maneze., D., George, A. (2021) Conducting population health research during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts and recommendations International Sustainability, 13(3), 3320
- Villarosa, AR., George, D., Ramjan, LM., Srinivas, R., George, A. (2019) Guideline implementation strategies in the dental setting: a systematic review protocol. BMC Implementation Science. 14, 106. doi:10.1186/s13012-019-0954-7
- Villarosa, A. R., George, D., Ramjan, L., Srinivas, R., & George, A. (2018). The role of dental practitioners in addressing childhood overweight and obesity: a scoping review of current interventions and strategies. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice. 12(5): 405-415.
Developing and evaluating an early childhood oral health module for the Masters of Family Health at WSU - the ECOH-M project
- Veale, M., Ajwani, S., Johnson, M., Nash, L., Patterson, T. and George, A. (2016), ‘The early childhood oral health program : a qualitative study of the perceptions of child and family health nurses in South Western Sydney, Australia’, BMC Oral Health, vol 16 .
Exploring the experiences of foster/kinship carers in relation to the oral health of children living in out of home care - the OOHC project
- Acharya, R., George, A., Ng Chok, H., Maneze, D, Blythe, S. (2022-accepted) Exploring the experiences of foster/kinship carers in Australia regarding the oral healthcare of children living in out-of-home care (OOHC). Adoption and Fostering Q2
- Acharya, R., Blythe, S., George, A., & Chok, H. N. (2021). Foster carer’s perspectives regarding oral health of children in out-of-home care (OOHC). Australian Public Health Conference, 2021. 23-24 September 2021. Canberra, Australia.
- Acharya, R., Blythe, S., George, A., and Villarosa, A. (2021). The oral health needs of children in out-of-home care: a scoping review. Preventive Health Conference 10-12 May, 2021, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).