
  • Ajesh George
  • Amy Villarosa
  • Suzanne Ingram
  • Kaniz Fatema
  • Emma Elcombe
  • Lynne Kemp


  • Sheryl Scharkie
  • Cheryl Anderson
  • Natasha Bucknall
  • Rebekah Grace
  • Darryl Wright
  • Elizabeth Comino


CHETRE: Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation (CHETRE)
TReSI: Translation Research and Social Innovation (TReSI)
Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation

Project Overview

The broad aim of this study was to understand the oral health concerns, behaviours and fluid consumption practices of Aboriginal children living in the South Western Sydney area. These children were recruited from two cohort studies, the Gudaga and Bulundidi Gudaga study, which incorporated oral health promotion, assessments and dental referrals through nurses participating in the study. The findings from this study were reported when the child were 18-48 months and then again when the children were 7-9 years of age.

Aims & Objectives

The broad aim of this study was to understand the oral health concerns, behaviours and fluid consumption practices of Aboriginal children living in the South Western Sydney area.

Research Output

To see the various outputs from the program, please navigate to the pages below:

Publications Presentations Awards Training Resources Oral health promotion resources

Alignment with ACIOH’s themes

Workforce reoriented:


This project aimed to assess the impact of the intervention delivered by nurses on the oral health and fluid consumption practices of children.

People-centred strategies:


This study aimed to understand the oral health and fluid consumption practices among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.